Thankful For....

For one, I'm grateful that our Red Dot is 5 Opening was our most successful show in the 5 years we've been open. I was always told that 90% of small businesses go under in their first 5 years, so this milestone feels real good. And we're not suffering like many small businesses today. Classes are bustling and art is selling.

So here's the rest of my grateful list.

1.) My in-laws are visiting and they are good, nice, people.
2.) I don't live in Siberia. (Too cold, from what I hear.) I did have a Siberian student this year, though, and she loved it there. She taught me to count from one to ten in Russian.
3.) We are having a ham instead of turkey tomorrow. Ham = better.
4.) My housekeeper comes on Monday! I get to continue Thanksgiving laziness indefinitely.
5.) I'm grateful for my excellent yoga teacher, my fantastic acupuncturist, my amazing life coach, my smart web marketing consultant, and, oh yeah, my hottie husband, for their moral support throughout the year.
6.) My daughter is with me for this Thanksgiving. Holidays are always better with her around.
7.) My book (My Steamboat) is out this month, and I'm getting some wonderful feedback. After years of writing, I'm getting to hear what people think, and it's just what I'd hoped for.
8.) I've been good about keeping up with my blog.
9.) All my limbs and organs are in good working order.
10.) Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and it's tomorrow.

The painting detail above is from "Grow," one of my paintings.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Dori! The Opening was fantastic--congrats on hitting the five-year mark and on the publication of My Steamboat!


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