
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Fiction

The state of my new novel I've written two books, both memoirs of different times in my life. Links are below. The long-awaited news (mostly awaited by me) is that that I'm writing a third book, a novel. I can't reveal the title or anything about it, but I'm enjoying the process of writing fiction so much I had to share. I've always been told not to tell anyone when you start a big writing project like this, but I tend to break the rules pretty much all the time, so I just did it again. I tend to finish what I start, even if, as in the case of both my last two books, it takes 6 years. So perhaps in 2022 you'll see the results, but I hope it's much sooner. If you know me, please ask about it and give encouragement, and that way you'll probably see it finished sooner.  If you haven't read them try: The Freeway and My Steamboat